Thursday, October 28, 2010

Preschool Parade

Dallin was SUPER excited this week for his Preschool Halloween Party. He was even more excited that Mom and Connor got to come inside for a treat and a show! Mom was excited too.

Dallin was adorable singing his Halloween songs and participating in the Costume Parade. He loves his Spiderman muscles :). It is so fun to watch him blossom into such an independent little man. We are so proud of him! And I just love that sweet smile :).

These three can't wait until it is their turn :).
Connor, Matthew, Emma
All 2-years-old

1 comment:

  1. Look at Dallin!! He's a new boy! He doesn't look shy anymore to me. Love his muscles too! The three amigos are too cute. Soon enough their time will come. :)
