Saturday, October 16, 2010

Happy Birthday Connor!

Can you believe that this little baby (one week old)....

has turned into this little 2-year-old rascal?

I still can't believe it! Connor is 2!!! Where has the time gone? I know... we all say this about our kids, but seriously... time does go by SO fast. We sure do love this little man. He thinks he is so funny and loves to be the comedian in our house. His latest obsessions include planes and trains. For the most part he is one happy-go-lucky kid. We truly feel blessed to have this little guy as a part of our family. We love you Connor!

Birthday celebrations seem to last a while at our house in October (especially this year) with Dallin's birthday just a week before Connor's. So, Connor was quite surprised well of the attention, presents, and decorations were for him :). Poor Connor was, however, sick again this year on his birthday. I hope this yearly tradition does not continue. Because of the illness which Abigail still had too, we had a low-key birthday day. Actually we postponed birthday celebrations a day... hoping Connor would feel better on Saturday, but we still had to have an easy going day.

Lucky for Connor Papa was in town earlier that week... and Connor was able to receive a present from him in person. What a treat! Thanks Papa!

Birthday Breakfast
Connor LOVES planes.
He was lucky enough to get a few for his birthday. So fun to see a little boy with a LOVE :). For Dallin it was balls... for Connor planes.

We did have a family outing running a few errands and getting some new fish for our tank. Yeah for fish! Connor and the rest of the gang were loving it :). Dad's fish is a bit of a bully ... we hope the rest of the fish survive the week. (he is the one in the top left corner of the tank)

Dinner ... Dad (John) smoked Connor a special dinner... whole chicken + smoker = YUM!
Of course dinner had to include cucumbers - one of Connor's favorites :).

After dinner we celebrated with a plane cake and ice cream.
Happy Birthday little Connor-man! We love you!

Special thanks to all those who sent birthday wishes to our Connor.
He truly felt loved on his special day.


  1. What a perfect little day for your cute little man. Still can't believe he's 2! Wow. Love the airplanes! So Connor! Glad he felt a tad bit better so he could celebrate. Looked like a perfect birthday. Awesome cake! Love that little boy. Cute pics. We'll be calling to sing! :)

  2. Cute little guy!! The airplane's like innate for little boys. Beautiful cake also.

  3. He makes me want a boy! You sure made his day great.

  4. sheesh! we're missing all of the fun events! i can't believe he's 2 already. What a doll of a little man! It looks like you all have had a fun birthday month. We love and miss you!

  5. oh so cute. I can't believe those 2 years have flown by! I hope he's feeling better! October is a busy month for you guys!

  6. How fun that he is into airplanes right now--always interesting to see their differences and likes:). He always has such a darling smile in every photo. Can't believe he is 2...means my little guy is just around the corner!
