Sunday, May 9, 2010


The Mothers in My Life:
My Mother and My Mother-in-Law

The Day I Became A Mother

The longer I am a mom, the more love I feel toward my own mother. The more I understand her sacrifice, her love, and her commitment to me and to our family. The longer I am a mother the more gratitude I feel. I know that every year these feelings will grow deeper. My understanding will only continue to grow. For the love of a mother never ceases and only grows deeper with time.

On this special day, I hope that both of the mothers in my life know how grateful I am for them - For their love and support. Thank you for being my mother.


  1. sheesh! look at you! you're a baby holding a baby here! hahaha can you believe our babies are turning 6 soon? WOW! we miss you all. xoxo

  2. Cristina was talking about your newest posts last night at book club (we miss you of course) all the photos! Fun to see you guys over the years. Sorry about all the bites--no fun, but camping way fun!
