Thursday, April 1, 2010

We Tried

Wednesday Dallin woke up feeling fine. I thought the illness was gone. Thank goodness. And he was relieved that I was going to let him go to his "Preschool Egg Hunt." And I was relieved for all the kids that the sickness had passed and they would all be able to have a fun afternoon.

We arrived at the park at about 11 am ... after playing on the toys for about an hour... Dallin came over and told me... "I don't feel so good, Mom. I need to throw-up. Now!" To the bushes we went. Luckily there was no vomit, but we immediately packed up and headed home. As we are walking to the car, Dallin said, "I am sorry guys... for not getting to go to the egg hunt. I am sorry I am sick." (How sweet is he?) I was very proud of Abigail... she didn't even complain once. She just helped me pack it up and head home.

So.... of course.... I had to promise the kids a hunt at home :).
(After Dallin had slept for 3 hours)

1 comment:

  1. That is the saddest story! Nothing worse than being there, start feeling awful again and have to leave. How sweet that he was so apologetic. Poor little thing! I'm so glad they were able to have a little hunt at home. I'm so impressed Abby didn't even complain.. what a good sister!! I hope you guys can kick this bug for good. Have such a fun Easter. We love you!
