Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Conference Weekend

I LOVE General Conference!
It was a nice, quiet weekend spent with family (and even quiet children). We had some coloring and different activities for the kids - All of which led to a pretty enjoyable conference for Mom and Dad. The kids were actually quiet for most (if not all) of the sessions.

However, as most mom's know.. quiet isn't always good :). Dallin received a haircut from Abby while Mom and Dad were a little preoccupied with listening. Hoping it grows back quickly. And yes... scissors privileges were lost for a week.


  1. I love that your kids were so good during conference. What a blessing! Mylie was "ok".. wouldn't say great. :) Poor Dallin's hair.. I imagined worse.. so I'm relieved at the pic. Hoping it grows back soon! Love his big eyes!

  2. I can't believe your kids were so good during Conference. I should send my kids to your house to get your boot camp. Perhaps they would come home ready to sit. Good work Ellice. Makes us all work towards something.

    Also, it was fun seeing Becca this past weekend. Her kids are darling. It had been way too long. missed you!
