Saturday, January 30, 2010

Brotherly Love

These two are becoming quite the buddies.

While Abigail was away at a friend's birthday party, Dallin and Connor played on the kitchen floor while I made dinner. It is really fun to watch their friendship grow.
They love to wrestle, play cars, run around growling at each other
(that is one of their favorites), and ride their "bikes" in the back.

Abigail is always so good at playing with her brothers.
But most of the time (when she is involved) they end up playing "house."

It is fun to see just the boys together - doing what BOYS do best.


  1. So cute. It gives me hope for Ty and Luke.

  2. That is such a sweet picture. I love that they are little buddies.

  3. They are darling... I can't believe how big Connor looks. They are going to be the best of buds forever. I have a feel there's lots of sports together in their future! :) Good thing they like each other. :)
