Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Summer days...

Our summer has been lots of fun so far. We don't have many pictures... because Mom has been having fun playing with the kids too. We have spent many days at the pool... the beach... the park... the library... jumping on the trampoline... the bookstore... and indoors with movies (trying to escape the heat and the rain). The past two weeks have been a bit rainy and the weather has been a bit unpredictable ... but we have made the most of it. One of our favorite activities ... Tent City. The kids love to get out all of the extra sheets from the linen closet and the heaviest books we can find (thanks John for letting us use all of your Ortho books).... and before you know it ... we have tent city all over the family room. At one point last week we finally moved tent city to the play room so we could actually use the kitchen chairs for dinner :). After the city has been built the kids run and grab all kinds of stuff... books, dolls, cars, board games... and we spend the afternoon playing in our tent. Sometimes (when Mom is feeling nice) we even get to watch a movie and popcorn inside our tent!

Hopefully I will be able to get some pictures this next week to share :).

Hope you are all enjoying your summer days too.

I can't believe it... only 6 more weeks until school starts again!


  1. Sounds like a fantastic summer! It is hard to believe how fast it is flying by!

  2. Making tents was one of our favorite things to do when it was rainy...we had an enormous screened in back porch when I was growing up...Dad stretched a rope across it for us and we would use sheets, chairs and the rope to make a giant tent...such a blast - thanks for reminding me of such a fun memory...can't wait to make a Tent City with Miss A rock!
