Friday, November 13, 2009

5 o'clock ...

The "bewitching hour" at our house.

For some reason, everyday at 5 o'clock everything comes undone.....

Connor starts crying continually,
Dallin and Abby are fighting, screaming, running around like crazy animals,
And Mom is trying to get dinner on the table.

Why does this happen?? I will never know. But what I do know... is at 5 o'clock I turn up the music and let it all come falling down around me :).

** I snapped these pictures after Connor had been crying on and off for about an hour. I had finally put him in his chair to eat. When he saw the camera he smiled :).... too cute. He knew what he was supposed to do. But within seconds the feelings of "the bewitching hour" overcame him :).


  1. I so relate!! Wow. You are such a good sport to stay so positive and just let it all go! It's the only way to stay sane... smart chica. That's why kids need Dads too!! Dads come home and everything is all better. Here's to wishing they came home at 5 every day! :)

  2. Happens at my house too. I usually start a movie everyday at 5 until I finish cooking dinner. I'm probably not winning any mother of the year awards, but oh well.

  3. Oooooo...the bewitching hour. And that is right when Dad comes home, so he's probably thinking, "Maybe I should have stayed at work at little longer..." :)

    I love your thankful tree! An idea I will have to tuck away for later use.

  4. Glad we're not the only ones. I tell Chris that every minute he is later than expected that time of day feels like an extra hour! :)

    I'll have to try that turning up the music thing!
