Sunday, November 21, 2010

Vacation Fun Begins...

Our Holiday vacations have begun! Thanksgiving break was wonderful. We had a great time visiting family and spending time together.

Things started off pretty low key... but, as usual, accelerated with each passing day.
The kids had a great time playing with toys, painting, playing in the snow, and just being with cousins, aunts, uncles, and Grammie and Papa the first couple of days....

We were thrilled to have snow the first night we were there. The kids couldn't wait to get on their snow clothes and build a snowman. Abigail and Ashley were out there forever! I thought their noses and fingers were going to fall off :).

Abigail, Ashley and Dallin (the last ones standing with their snowman - the other two little ones had to warm up sooner than these three).

Connor wasn't sure about the snow (of course... it is another element of weather... what was I thinking), but he definitely didn't want to be left out of the fun either.

Abigail and Ashley... Snow Buddies

More families joined us for dinner.... and the fun continued.

Christine was such a good sport. She definitely kept the children entertained. :)

And we can't visit SL without some high flying with Uncle Mark ... Connor was loving it.

Cousin Fun
Aubrey, Christine, and Dallin

More Fun to Come.....

1 comment:

  1. SO MUCH FUN! It sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! xoxo
