Sunday, October 24, 2010

Primary Program

Today was the Primary Program.
My favorite sacrament meeting of the year.
I can always feel the spirit strongest through the children.

It was lots of fun to watch both Abigail and Dallin be a part this year.
Abigail did a wonderful job with her part and Dallin sang beautifully (the sunbeams sang a little song - just their classes). It is always cute when they are so little :).

We were so proud of both of them.

Abigail and Dallin,
Thank you for sharing your sweet little testimonies today.
We love you!
Mom and Dad

And of course... we had to include Connor too in the photo session :). I just love these kids!

1 comment:

  1. Ohh.. how sweet. I bet they did awesome. It's my fav meeting of the year too! How special to have your kids be apart. Love it.
