The kids have decided that our hallway from the front door into the kitchen is a perfect "highway" or "road." It is pretty funny. They can spend hours going back and forth, and if you want to cross the road ... you better look both ways. I have definitely been run over a few times... only to have Dallin remind me - "Mom, this is a road. You need to watch out!"
On occasion, Mom can't take it anymore... and the "highway" must go outside. But that doesn't stop them... heat or mosquitos ... these kids love the "highway."
**For those of you wondering... why call it a highway and not just a road? Because a highway has multiple lanes of traffic going in both directions. Roads tend to have slower speed limits and more organized travel :).
Love the highway!! And yes, it's definitely a highway! I've actually heard it before. :) Love that they have such a fun place to use as a road.