Can you believe it? This little man is 3!
Connor has been waiting for his birthday to come... and finally it was his turn for a special day - all his own. Decorations for him... a birthday chair for him... presents for him... and cake for him... he was in heaven.
Originally Connor told me he wanted pancakes and smoothies for his special birthday breakfast, but once he woke up that morning .. he changed his mind. No pancakes... "I want breakfast." Breakfast to Connor = cereal. So the menu changed. Abigail and Dallin weren't too thrilled with the change, but Connor reassured them... "We still get smoothies." So.. birthday breakfast... "Dog Food (Cracklin' Oat Bran)" and Smoothies.
After breakfast we opened a few presents .. played with them for a bit ...
Then we packed up and headed to the largest urban zoo in the nation... The Bronx Zoo. I think Connor had just as much fun on the subway as he did at the zoo. He LOVES riding the subway. We had a fun filled day with lots of walking and lots of animals. Some of our favorites included the Asia Monorail and the Gorilla Refuge.
One of our favorite animals of the day... the TIGER.
Asia Monorail... so neat!
Waiting in line for the Dora and Diego 4D movie.
Not sure Owen enjoyed the water splashing in his face.
"The Bug Carousel"
We sat down to watch a short film about the gorillas... and this is what happened to Connor. Poor kid... he was all tuckered out.
Part of our cute little family
Heading home after a fabulous day at the zoo.
One the way home we stopped for some dinner and headed to Crumbs Bakery for some NYC cupcakes. We ended up with quite a variety.
Connor was pretty excited about his cupcakes and candles.
Happy Birthday Connor!
We hope all your birthday wishes come true!
It was a great day. Fun for all.
I still can't believe our Connor is 3 years old! He is such a fun and spirited little guy.
We love you Connor.